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Art & DT


“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” Pablo Picasso

At Drake Primary Academy, we are working towards developing an embedded, enriched creative Art and DT curriculum that will engage and inspire children. Having an enriched curriculum of the arts will develop the confidence, expression and wellbeing of our children. This view will offer all children a creative curriculum to explore hidden strengths and new opportunities. With this approach, we hope to develop children who possess a natural inquisitive desire and enjoyment in the arts while also improving their knowledge of their topic through cross-curricular teaching.

Intent (What do we want the children to learn and why? What knowledge and skills are taught?)

At Drake Primary Academy, our Art and DT curriculum will reflect the breadth and ambition for all pupils, offering a wide range of opportunities to explore and investigate their artistic skills alongside their topic learning. The art and DT curriculum will be planned and sequenced towards knowledge and skills for future success. We will ensure that children receive a progression of artistic skills throughout their primary education. This will require them to explore, develop, make, design, plan, evaluate and analyse.

All teachers will ensure that the Art and DT curriculum is clearly planned, building towards clear end points (final pieces). This will be monitored and there will be a clear document which states the coverage of skills and activities that are delivered to meet the needs of the context of all the pupils and especially the needs of SEND pupils. We also intend to encourage parental involvement through a variety of opportunities where the children will showcase their artwork (art week and multicultural week). We want all children to be inspired about Art and DT through educating them about different artists and techniques.

Implementation (How are we doing it? How are the pupils going to achieve the acquisition of knowledge? How does the curriculum delivery this?)

Our key priority is to establish the curriculum intent, to ensure that all children receive the coverage and progression of development skills and knowledge throughout their primary school education. All teachers will develop the planning process, working closely with the subject leader to ensure they are confident enough to deliver the skills and knowledge required for all children to make progress in the following six areas: drawing, painting, printing, textiles, sculpture and food technology.

At the beginning of each unit, the children will complete a pre-assessment, showcasing any of the knowledge that they have in the form of a mind map (pencil) prior to being taught. At the end of the teaching sequence, the children will then add to the same assessment, showcasing the new knowledge and understanding of the skills that they have (purple pen). In turn, this will demonstrate the progress that the children have made.


Expressive arts and design is one of the seven areas of the EYFS and is used to nourish and develop a child’s imagination, creativity and ability to use a range of media and materials. At Drake Primary Academy, children are given the opportunity to do this on a daily basis and in a range of ways, including singing songs and making music, dance, playing with colours (mixed media), textures and designs.

Special Educational Needs (SEND) pupils: 

Lessons are adapted to enable all pupils to access their learning, including pupils with SEND. Children have access to adapted equipment when necessary.




Contact Us

Charlotte Street, Devonport, Plymouth, PL2 1RJ

T: 01752 567609