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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Year 4 Teacher

Miss B Mills

Teaching Assistant

Mrs A West 


SEN TA (PM) 1:1

Miss R Sterry











If you have any questions you can contact the class teacher on:


This term, our topic is 'What the Romans did for us'.  Please click the link below for more info! 


Whilst our historical focus is the Romans, where possible we will link other subjects to the topic as well. For example, we will make string stamps to create Roman-inspired patterns in art. In DT, we will be making Roman oatcakes. We will also be covering Roman numerals in maths. 

Within history, we will explore the spread of the Roman Empire, as well as some famous historical figures such as Julius Caesar and Emperor Claudius.

To see more about our curriculum please visit here.

Things to Remember
  • PE will be on a Monday (Indoor) Friday (Outdoor) and children can wear PE kit all day in school on these days.
  • Spellings will be introduced on a Friday and a list of their spellings to learn will be sent home. There will be a spelling test the following Friday morning on our spellings for the week.
  • Reading books are sent home on a Friday, children need to bring the books back to change them once read. Remember to log all reading activity on Boom Reader.
  • Please practice 20 minutes a day using TT Rockstars.

Below you will find links for Maths practice:

TT Rockstars

You can also use UrBrainy to practice for the multiplication check, which will take place in June. The check is an assessment of the children's timetable knowledge as well as their fluency. With 6 seconds to answer each question, it is important that the children practise for the assessment as much as possible. 

UrBrainy Mulitiplication Check Test

Below you will find links for spelling games.

Year 4 Spelling List and Games

Vowels Spelling Game

Contact Us

Charlotte Street, Devonport, Plymouth, PL2 1RJ

T: 01752 567609