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'Leaders, including governors,  ensure a strong pervading culture of safeguarding at the school. Leaders take swift action to keep pupils safe'  OFSTEd 2021
Child protection plays a central part in promoting safety and well being.

We believe that children have a fundamental right to feel safe and protected from any form of abuse. Therefore we aim to provide a secure, caring environment and a curriculum which nurtures self-esteem and empowers children to protect themselves.

We aim to ensure that children who are vulnerable, at risk and have suffered or are likely to suffer significant harm are identified, and appropriate action is taken to keep them safe. Morice Town Primary Academy will continue to develop a systematic approach towards identification and referral of suspected child abuse to an appropriate agency. We recognise that abuse may be emotional, physical, sexual or through neglect.


Safeguarding and Welfare Lead across Drake and Morice Town -  Jacqi Stephens
Executive Headteacher -  Jacqi Stephens
Strategic DSL -  Lauren James
Operational DSL's -  TBC
Operational DSL -  Julie Partington
Child Protection Governor -  Andrea Roe

 If you are concerned over the conduct or behaviour of an adult in the school towards a child then please inform Mrs Stephens or Miss James immediately. The school's policy and procedures on allegations against staff or volunteers can be downloaded below.

We are delighted to be an Operation Encompass School, please follow the link below for further information.

A copy of our safeguarding notice can be downloaded from here. This notice is displayed prominently all over the school.

Contact Us

Charlotte Street, Devonport, Plymouth, PL2 1RJ

T: 01752 567609