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Welcome to Morice Town Nursery!

Our Nursery is fully integrated into the main School, meaning the Nursery children can socialise with the older children in Foundation. The children work together as a unit, moving freely around all areas of the Foundation Stage. We plan a wide range of opportunities for children to learn through fun, hands on experiences in both adult led and child-initiated activities. 

Prime areas of learning:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED): Get to know our friends and Teachers. Discuss the school rules and behaviour expectations within our EYFS unit. Become increasingly more independent and able to manage daily routines.
  • Physical Development (PD): Develop our gross motor skills by balancing and moving in different ways. Develop our fine motor skills by using a variety of one-handed tools and equipment.
  • Communication and Language (CL): Listen to lots of songs and stories with increasing attention and begin to join in. Show an understanding of and respond to simple instructions. Use talk to imagine and recreate roles and experiences. Use new vocabulary in different contexts.

Specific areas of learning:

  • Literacy (L): Play phonics games and develop an awareness of sounds and words. Repeat words and phrases from familiar stories. Add some marks to their drawings which they give meaning to. Form some letters in our name.
  • Mathematics (M): Take part in rhymes and songs with numbers. Count in everyday contexts, touching or pointing for each number. Compare sizes and weights. Explore patterns and repeating patterns. Recite numbers past 5.
  • Expressive Arts and Design (EAD): Use our imaginations and different media and materials to create different craft pieces. Learn familiar songs and nursery rhymes. Explore and use a range of artistic effects to express themselves. Explore a range of small instruments.
  • Understanding the World (UW): Talk about ourselves and communities in our ‘All about me’ topic in Autumn Term 1. Name our body parts. Think scientifically about our senses and how we use them. Learn about special festivals. Talk about the weather and season changes. Talk about the Christmas story and take part in a Nativity.
  • PE: The children will take part in short PE sessions each week. We take part in outdoor activities every day (weather permitting). Due to this we ask that you send your child in appropriate clothing and footwear. Earrings should not be worn to Nursery.
  • Reading: Children will begin to take part in short reading sessions (Read, Write, Inc). We will also share stories daily talking about characters, story, setting and the pictures.

Contact Us

Charlotte Street, Devonport, Plymouth, PL2 1RJ

T: 01752 567609