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Anti Bullying Policy


We are committed to providing a caring, friendly, respectful and safe learning environment for all of our pupils. We promote an inclusive ethos that focuses on respecting one another and celebrating difference and diversity.

Bullying and prejudice-based language of any kind, involving pupils, adults towards pupils, staff or parents are unacceptable and will not be tolerated at our school.

Our pupils reported to OFSTEd 2021 that 'bullying is rare and when it happens it is usually dealt with quickly.'

However, we are not complacent. We understand the devastating and long-lasting effect being bullied can have on some children, and we will treat all incidents seriously, and seek to quickly and effectively prevent any further incidents.

Preventing and tackling bullying is part of our work to support pupils’ social and emotional development and to be recognised as a healthy school. At Morice Town, we use two mnemonics to help the children understand what bullying is and what they should do about it.

In our school, bullying is hurting someone more than once, on purpose by using behaviour or words which are meant to frighten or hurt that person.

S everal

T imes

O n

P urpose

 If you feel you are being bullied then;

S tart


O ther

P eople

The schools Anti-bullying policy can be downloaded below

During Anti-bullying week in November we explored these messages in detail with the children. At the end of the week the children completed a survey of their understanding from the week's work. The results are shown below.

Advice for Parents.

We understand that when a child is being bullied this is distressing for parents as well. If you are concerned about your child then in the first instance make contact with their class teacher and then working in consultation with a member of the senior leadership team will support your child.

These websites also provide useful advice;

Anti-bullying week pledges 2020

Contact Us

Charlotte Street, Devonport, Plymouth, PL2 1RJ

T: 01752 567609