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School Uniform and PE/Games Kit

At Morice Town, we take pride in our school’s good reputation in the local community and like to see our children taking similar pride by wearing our school uniform so smartly. Please make sure every item of clothing brought into school is named. Any clothing found will be placed in the lost property basket next to the year 1 classroom. It is a good idea to periodically check that the names can be clearly read, especially after repeated washing.


  • Bottle green sweatshirt
  • White polo shirt
  • Black/grey trousers
  • Black school shoes.


  • Bottle green cardigan
  • White polo shirt
  • Black/grey trousers or skirt
  • Black school shoes (no boots or shoes with high heels)
  • In summer a green check gingham dress may be worn.

Summer shoes should protect the toes, open toed sandals or flip-flops are not permitted.

Children should not wear any jewellery, beyond a watch and stud earrings.

Children’s hair should be smart in appearance not overly gelled or styled. Long hair should be tied back for safety and hygiene.

The official school uniform with the logo is available from the Schoolwear shop on Mayflower Street in Plymouth. Unbranded items are freely available from a range of other outlets such as supermarkets.

PE Kit:


  • White Tee Shirt
  • Black Shorts or plain black Jog Pants
  • Dance or Gymnastics (Bare Feet)
  • Indoor Games, Outdoor sport and athletics (Trainers or Plimsolls)


  • White Tee Shirt.
  • Black Shorts or plain black Jog Pants
  • Dance or Gymnastics (Bare Feet)
  • Indoor Games, Outdoor sport and athletics (Trainers or Plimsolls). 

On PE days, children can wear their PE kits in school all day. See class pages for more information on PE & games days.

Contact Us

Charlotte Street, Devonport, Plymouth, PL2 1RJ

T: 01752 567609